On August 5, 1962, the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe, one of the most popular Hollywood stars, sent shockwaves throughout the world.

Marilyn Monroe's death scene

At approximately 3:00 a.m., Eunice Murray, Marilyn's housekeeper, noticed that the light was on in Monroe’s bedroom, and the door was locked.

Marilyn Monroe's death scene

She immediately called Marilyn's psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, and, upon his advice, looked through a window.

There, she saw Marilyn lying facedown on her bed, covered by a sheet and clutching a telephone receiver.

She had been dead an estimated six to eight hours.

Marilyn Monroe's death scene
The room where Marilyn Monroe died. (Credit: Getty Images)

After Dr. Greenson arrived, he entered the room by breaking a window and discovered Marilyn Monroe dead.

The Los Angeles Police Department was called to the scene at 4:25 a.m.

Pills on Marilyn Monroe's bedside table
Police officer points to the pills on Marilyn Monroe's bedside table. (Credit: All Star Picture Library)

An empty bottle found on Monroe's bedside table contained 50 Nembutal capsules, prescribed only two or three days ago.

Monroe's personal physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, indicated that the capsules were intended to be taken in doses of one per night.

A look inside Marilyn Monroe's home

Det. Sgt. R. E. Byron told the press there were between 12 to 15 medicine bottles on Monroe’s bedside table, some with prescription labels.

A look inside Marilyn Monroe's home

By dawn, reporters and photographers milled around Monroe's residence, gathering near the lawns and swimming pool.

A look inside Marilyn Monroe's home

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